Coke and Grilled Cheese; Coke in general reminds me of my grandparents. It brings me comfort. Ever since I can remember my grandpa would grab a Coke and split it with me in these little plastic Dixie cups they had. I love it. I also got accustomed to Coke with my grilled cheese sandwiches, not only from when I lived there but from when I visited and now the two go hand in hand.
Strawberry Milk and Donuts; As I have said, my dad used to pick me up and take me to school or work with him, wherever it was, and we would always stop at 7-11 for strawberry milk and donuts. Back then the milk came in cardboard containers, and I used to see my dad more. Granted I don't see him that much and we don't really ever spend time together, drinking strawberry milk takes me back and brings me that feeling I need.
Earl Grey Tea; Attached to Earl Grey Tea is memories of my old best friend and our love affair with Davey Havok. I know these aren't traditions, but these are things that hold true always. No matter where I am at or who I am with, if Earl Grey touches my nose or my lips my life is hers.
Joe Diffie's Mr. Christmas Album; played every year all December long ever since 1995. It lets me know the season is here, it reminds me of my childhood and it's the only Christmas music I've ever always loved. I love Joe Diffie and I hope that Logan will come to like this cd or at least appreciate it some day, Olivia too. I will however say that 95.7's Christmas music is beautiful and Logan and I are getting a kick out of listening to it as often as possible.
Christmas Pictures; I couldn't get Logan to Santa his first year, but I could get us to Sears. It not only captured our first Christmas but a moment in our lives and it holds memories for me. We managed to get Christmas pictures last year with Tristan and are soon due for them this year too. No matter how much wall space they will some day take up, or how much clutter they may bring, I would Love to continue getting Christmas pictures together with Logan and some day Olivia until we're old and gray. While they're under my roof, this I can at least count on.
Thankful Turkey's; started with Tristan last year, where I have said, we take our hands [or paws] and trace them, coloring them in to turkeys only to surround them with the things we're thankful for. I think this is a good practice and habit as well as something to reflect upon. No matter where I'm at or how chaotic it is, this is something to take time for.
Cards and Snail Mail; this has been something I've been more in to since having Logan, a way to keep in touch when the world is passing me by. I don't know who actually appreciates them or finds them a nuisance, but other than this Thanksgiving I have sent holiday cards out every presentable holiday since Logan was born. The best part is him coloring and personalizing them. I also include up to date pictures of us, or mainly Logan, when the opportunity presents itself, like Halloween and Christmas. Snail mail is important, and good practice, a lost art. I haven't received a card in a while other than my crabby grandmother in France, but I will say that when I do it stops the world. Getting a personalized card in the mail to me is the greatest feeling in the world and one I hope to pass on as well as share with my children not to take for granted in this world of technology.
Sewing and Hobbies; Now that Tristan and I have our own home, and more so since I've had Logan I'd like to have things that I can pull out every year, that bring comfort. I've started place mats this year, I have certain ornaments adorning the Christmas tree, our family pictures. I'd like to eventually have done Holiday Quilts for the whole family. Nothing fancy, just something to hold on to as time goes by. We've yet to get a Christmas Tree Angel, but my grandma's angel I've been able to recognize and remember since I was 4 or 5 yrs old, as well as their habitual Snoopy trees. Seeing these things every year brings me comfort and lets me know the world is okay, a steady in my life.
The Pumpkin Patch; Generally something I would like to do every year, participate in the activities and pick our own pumpkins, get out of the house. We did it last year, twice, and this year Tristan had to work a chaotic schedule, but I plan on going every year from now on until the kids are ready to say, "no mom" which I know they'll have no problem doing. :)
Family Holiday's; Ever since I can remember I have been going with my brother to his family's for Christmas Eve and my grandparents on Christmas Day. My mom decided last year her Christmas will be the 22nd, and Tristan's family is included in the mix now on Christmas Day. Last year was hectic but it was amazing. This year we won't be traveling due to Tristan having to work Christmas Eve and Day but I'm hoping to get to the ocean and Centralia at the very least and hopefully next year we can travel together. Family is important as are traditions, though I will say I hate after 20yrs people want to change dates and times for whatever reasons when everyone else plans around what always was. It's just important to see family and I don't always get to do that except the Winter Holiday's, I'm grateful for them.