Instead, I called my sister to see what She was doing for Halloween. At the time, nothing. After seeing my friend post some pictures from the Woodland Park Zoo and their pumpkin bash I decided that this might be the best option and she might be the best candidate to take. Plus, I wanted to spend time with her.
I got no sleep the night before, not only because my back, but from feeling restless and Logan's sleep talking kept me up thinking he needed me. When Tristan got home from work around 6:30am I was ready to wake up and get ready to head out. An hour to pick up my sister and another hour to the zoo.
I had no time to eat and planned on getting a donut and a caramel pecan sticky bun from Clancy's since they are the only place I know that makes it, but my step dad thought Logan was so dang cute he loaded him up with candy and started making scrambled eggs and toast instead. He also thought my PB & J sandwich was gross and decided to make him a ham and cheese.... 35 minutes later off to coffee we go and then Seattle!
My sister navigated with some humor and we arrived just in time to see the penguin pumpkin bash. The penguins were the most entertaining thing we saw, and the most active... and possibly the cutest. We missed the reenactment of Thriller but it was playing every hour on the hour. Our goal was to follow the schedule and watch the pumpkin bashing. This didn't happen as I'd hoped. I went with a 2yr old and a 15yr old.
At one point we ended up in a bird house. I gave my sister $2 for feeding sticks and thought Logan might enjoy it. He threw the stick the second a bird landed on it. He was fascinated but at a distance and I managed to get pooped on, on my belly. Wonderful thing.
Logan in a distant fascination
We had a lot of fun walking around looking at the animals, I didn't like the layout of the zoo and lack of wrap arounds. I was quite pleased when Logan got excited about an animal because he knew it. [proud moment
He actually knocked on the door. It was quite hilarious. My dad tried loading him up with candy... I don't think so. We hung out for a little bit before deciding it was time to head to the adventurous Enumclaw! Whoo.
I got the liberty of seeing my mom for the first time in months, as well as talking to her for the first time in over a month. At one point she cried, probably hoping I would cry too, with which I responded, "You never visit and you are never there when I need you." What do you want me to say? This didn't stop her happy mood of me even being in her house. She jumped right in to talking and showing me Everything as well as offering us a dresser for the kids she wasn't using and a changing table she shouldn't have bought in the first place. [she was using it for crafts lol] So, Another hour later, I'm still hungry and my sister still hasn't gone trick-or-treating.
Off to Safeway we go to see Aunty Monica and grab some food which turns in to Logan and my sister running around and in one case getting hurt, but it's okay, we have candy ♥ I decided to go to Taco Time and off to the neighborhoods we went.
My sister went at first by herself while I tried to get Logan to eat, but she soon realized people thought she was too old. Meh, that was the last year I went trick-or-treating too. People thought I was her mom, which is perfect because they thought she was Logan's mom. After eating I parked the car and walked with them and this helped a little with her situation. Everyone was entranced by his cuteness.
My favorite part of the night was that all the little kids were answering the door and one 6-8yr old boy said, he is the cutest little kid I've ever seen. Ah, how they grow up so fast.
We had a really good time, or at least I did. Logan said his "trick-or-treats" and "thank you's" better than anyone I know and when they told him to have fun he'd say it right back at them. He stole their hearts and mine even more so. It was good being able to talk to my sister about things here and there when the opportunity arose. After her zoo pictures I've decided to have another photographer on hand at the birth of Olivia :p I will say she did a great job with Logan's but she's getting rusty.
Logan had a blast with her. He kept talking about her the whole day and if she left for two seconds, "Where's Adell?" Which is what it sounds like. We left there around 9pm and when we got home around 11pm he went in his room to show me the toys they played together with. It was cute.
Which leads me to the fact that Tristan recalculated his money and we had enough money for the mattress. We stopped off at his work for 20min to get the card, then headed to Walmart in the pouring rain to satisfy our urgency and excitement to get her bed up. Well, the mattress was gone, no one spoke English or understood what I wanted or needed and we settled for a regular one which is fine. I came home, at 11pm and put her bed together. Logan had a Great time laying in her bed and laughing about how it was hers. He loves her silky blanket and I must add that he threw a tantrum at Walmart and smacked me hard in the face while talking to the non understanding associate. Oy, he was better when we got home yes. "Nigh night Olivia's bed mom" as he grabbed his pillow to drag it across to her bed.
Tristan stayed the night at his parents to look at the crib and see about bringing it home today. It was a no go. I'm rather disappointed and impatient. I just want it here. So does he. I've cried quite a bit the last 24hrs with Tristan's work schedule, not being able to see him for more than five minutes or really talk to him the last couple weeks. I wanted to cry when he left tonight, I couldn't let him go. I get him Wednesday night to Friday morning. *big sigh* I'm so glad this isn't his regular schedule. I know he's tired but I'd go nuts quicker.
All in all, it was a great Halloween. I'm glad I got to spend it with my sister, I hope it made her happy getting out of the house, going to the zoo and trying something new, it made me happy that Logan was happy all day at the zoo and playing with Chantal and it made me happy just driving around and being alive. I can't wait til Olivia is out of the belly to share the memories with, but I know, it comes so fast. There are a lot of things I can't wait for, but I say that in a waiting kind of fashion. I can't wait for my grand kids, but I'll more than enjoy the time from here and in between. Life is too short to take for granted. ♥
"Trick-or-treat papa!"
He actually knocked on the door. It was quite hilarious. My dad tried loading him up with candy... I don't think so. We hung out for a little bit before deciding it was time to head to the adventurous Enumclaw! Whoo.
I got the liberty of seeing my mom for the first time in months, as well as talking to her for the first time in over a month. At one point she cried, probably hoping I would cry too, with which I responded, "You never visit and you are never there when I need you." What do you want me to say? This didn't stop her happy mood of me even being in her house. She jumped right in to talking and showing me Everything as well as offering us a dresser for the kids she wasn't using and a changing table she shouldn't have bought in the first place. [she was using it for crafts lol] So, Another hour later, I'm still hungry and my sister still hasn't gone trick-or-treating.
Off to Safeway we go to see Aunty Monica and grab some food which turns in to Logan and my sister running around and in one case getting hurt, but it's okay, we have candy ♥ I decided to go to Taco Time and off to the neighborhoods we went.
My sister went at first by herself while I tried to get Logan to eat, but she soon realized people thought she was too old. Meh, that was the last year I went trick-or-treating too. People thought I was her mom, which is perfect because they thought she was Logan's mom. After eating I parked the car and walked with them and this helped a little with her situation. Everyone was entranced by his cuteness.
My favorite part of the night was that all the little kids were answering the door and one 6-8yr old boy said, he is the cutest little kid I've ever seen. Ah, how they grow up so fast.
We had a really good time, or at least I did. Logan said his "trick-or-treats" and "thank you's" better than anyone I know and when they told him to have fun he'd say it right back at them. He stole their hearts and mine even more so. It was good being able to talk to my sister about things here and there when the opportunity arose. After her zoo pictures I've decided to have another photographer on hand at the birth of Olivia :p I will say she did a great job with Logan's but she's getting rusty.
Logan had a blast with her. He kept talking about her the whole day and if she left for two seconds, "Where's Adell?" Which is what it sounds like. We left there around 9pm and when we got home around 11pm he went in his room to show me the toys they played together with. It was cute.
Which leads me to the fact that Tristan recalculated his money and we had enough money for the mattress. We stopped off at his work for 20min to get the card, then headed to Walmart in the pouring rain to satisfy our urgency and excitement to get her bed up. Well, the mattress was gone, no one spoke English or understood what I wanted or needed and we settled for a regular one which is fine. I came home, at 11pm and put her bed together. Logan had a Great time laying in her bed and laughing about how it was hers. He loves her silky blanket and I must add that he threw a tantrum at Walmart and smacked me hard in the face while talking to the non understanding associate. Oy, he was better when we got home yes. "Nigh night Olivia's bed mom" as he grabbed his pillow to drag it across to her bed.
Tristan stayed the night at his parents to look at the crib and see about bringing it home today. It was a no go. I'm rather disappointed and impatient. I just want it here. So does he. I've cried quite a bit the last 24hrs with Tristan's work schedule, not being able to see him for more than five minutes or really talk to him the last couple weeks. I wanted to cry when he left tonight, I couldn't let him go. I get him Wednesday night to Friday morning. *big sigh* I'm so glad this isn't his regular schedule. I know he's tired but I'd go nuts quicker.
All in all, it was a great Halloween. I'm glad I got to spend it with my sister, I hope it made her happy getting out of the house, going to the zoo and trying something new, it made me happy that Logan was happy all day at the zoo and playing with Chantal and it made me happy just driving around and being alive. I can't wait til Olivia is out of the belly to share the memories with, but I know, it comes so fast. There are a lot of things I can't wait for, but I say that in a waiting kind of fashion. I can't wait for my grand kids, but I'll more than enjoy the time from here and in between. Life is too short to take for granted. ♥
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